

Posts tagged with "rental"

We’ve Released a WordPress Widget

Today we are happy to announce the release of our WordPress widget. The widget is another way for users to share and promote their offers. If you have a Wordpress blog, be sure to get the Rentything offers widget so you can promote your offers right on your blog. You can check out the widget here.

We’ve launched a new search!

Today we’re excited to announce that we just pushed out a shiny new search that will give us a lot of flexibility going forward. You’ll see it already has better search results, as well as the ability to filter search results by distance, among other things. We are still tweaking it  and will be adding more search options soon.

We’ve also fixed up ton of bugs and rejigged the UI a bit based on user feedback. Keep the feedback coming it has been really great stuff! Go check it out the shinier Rentything now